In order to live happy and healthy lives, taking care of our mental health is equally if not more important than the care of our physical well-being. Hardship and struggle is inevitable, and all of us in one way or another will go through rough times in our lifetime. However, it is not our pain that defines us, but rather the way we react to it and whether or not we let it take control of our lives.
This art piece made entirely of foil, is a reminder that even when we feel alone and full of hurt, there is always a glimmer of hope that will guide us into the light again. We just have to keep looking for the brightness and trust that that there really is a light at the end of the tunnel. It is truly the worst times that teach us to hold on to the good ones. Afterall, The Darker The Night, The Brighter the Stars.

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Mental Health Awareness Piece

Mental Health Awareness Piece

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