Hello, I am Lujayna Mussa. A seventeen year old who lives in Tanzania. I really don’t have much to say about myself but one thing you should know is that I’m a really silent girl who scribbles down her thoughts and feelings onto a tiny locked diary hidden under piles of messy scarves in a locked dark Room then forgets about it…

Our Authors

Saanvi Sharma

Hey, I’m Saanvi. Just another normal teenager. Every day as youngsters we hear from our peers about all these problems. I’m Saanvi Sharma from India. Body shaming is a worldwide issue right now. I’d like to submit my thoughts to aspiring journalists as they are doing a great job provoking teenagers against such problems.

Jillian Devries

My name is Jillian Devries, and I’m a 17 year-old Canadian who writes stories for both hobbies and fun. Sometimes, usually accidentally, my stories end up having a slightly political nature, or they end up being a commentary on the world and how it works today. Neglected Stories: the World Around Us seemed like a good way to get these stories out so they don’t end up rotting on my computer. Besides, stories are a fun way to point out things that are wrong in the world without really being offensive to anyone.

Ayushi Abhilipsa Rout

I am a 16 year old teenager in India who writes to bring a change in the society. I chose to work with this website because they help me fulfil my goal. My goal is to bring up neglected issues which in our day to day life to the frontline.