Our Projects

We have been working on a few projects that we hope will interest you as well. These projects have been inspired by our hobbies and interests which include writing, creating stories, as well as giving our viewpoints a voice. We would love and appreciate support from anyone who is seeing this, and please leave suggestions for us.

Creative Workshops

We have decided that in order to bring our community of like-minded journalists together so that we may learn and grow from one another, we will host Creative Workshops virtually over Zoom. This week we will have Writing, the next week will be Art, and so one and so forth. We have decided to hold these workshops so that we can communicate with each other and get to know one another. After all, we are fellow journalists!


About what we will cover:

During the Creative Workshops, we will have some fun ice-breakers to get to know each other as well as some lessons about 1 or 2 topics, and discussions about the lessons too.

In our 1st Writing Workshop, we will have a couple of “get-to-know-you” games which will be a lot of fun, we promise! We will also have a short lesson on finding research, a short lesson covering bibliographies, and a short lesson over constructive criticism.

In our 1st Art Workshop, which will be held the week after, we will learn how to make a beautiful illusion piece with a strong message.

For the art workshop, held the week after the Writing Workshop you will need the following materials:

– 1 piece of printer/computer paper

– A marker (preferably thin)


Another thing!

We would request that all participants keep their cameras on, unless you feel uncomfortable, and keep their mikes on so that we can interact better. This is because in the future, we hope to have physical meetings with you guys so we would like to get to know you before those. Thank you!

Please practice “Net-tiquette”

– Wear appropriate clothing

– Limit background noises

– No use of foul language

– Stay on task, you won’t be bored!

Aspiring Journalists

Our goal is to create a safe and sound enviornment for young, like minds to come together and work toward a common cause. This cause is to raise awareness and bring change to the overlooked problems around the world. Teenagers often feel that they have no voice, with this website we hope we can change that.We urge each and every one of you to come together, and join us in this mission, so that we may bring a difference upon the issues of our community. Submit all kinds of artwork to raise awareness on the problems YOU think deserve to be heard. Jpin us on our journey, step by step, with your help, we can change the world. Join us.

Before submitting your masterpieces, please refer to the Resources Page and to the top of the Home Page to see the different categories for your artworks to fall under. Please remember that we are students just like you, and we understand the difficulties that come with such projects, so we are here for you in any way. We will support you and feel free to ask us questions at the bottom of the Home Page, or DM us @AspiringJournalistOfficial. Thank you! We love you all!😘

“Creativity is intelligence having fun.”

We know that you have a spark, if not a raging fire, of creativity within you. Sometimes, in the hustle and bustle of our hectic and chaotic lives, we have little time to nurture this spark, and sometimes it is stamped out by our dull lives. We are determined to ignite this spark through a creative workshop which we have designed. This workshop will cover writing tips, storytelling skills, art ideas, craft inspirations, and much more. We know that due to COVID-19, it will be inadvisable to meet up for this workshop, so we are planning on hosting an online workshop via Zoom, and we will bring the creativity to your homes. We would really love to meet you all and learn and grow together. Please do join us!

Our Blog!

In addition, we have decided to create a blog to voice some of the many concerns people in our area deal with each and every day. There are many social injustices and wrongs being inflicted on our community, and it is our job, as the next generation of the community, to put an end to these issues. We may not have all the resources, we may be young, we may be overlooked, but we will not let these factors come in the way of voicing our opinions. Our blog serves as a safe space for aspiring journalists such as you and I to talk about the issues that we, and others of our community, face and to take a stand. Will you join us in taking a small step to change the world?

15 + 5 =

Confirmed participants

Participant Goal

First-Time participants