Life span with mere depression and stress is a ceaseless nightmare without any sense of direction and fulfilment. This awful privation can choose you at anytime, anyplace, anywhere. Life gets to you. You think you are perfectly happy, good salary, nice friends, live life like a party, but all of a sudden, in one little snap, everything cracks like a mirror. You can’t run away from it, but you can certainly cope with it. Take it with both hands and come out of this mess with your head held high. It Doesn’t matter whether your life is in full swing or not, depression and stress can choose you at any instant of time. 
           Depression is a tyrannical force, which will put you down to let you know how to get up and rise again. Every story leaves so many unanswered questions. This is the story of life, half of the things go unnoticed and half of the things go over-noticed. Only a ‘depressed’ knows what it’s like to feel like you’re dying, but be completely ok. If one has an eye to observe, the heart to feel and the mind to ponder, he will certainly get to know that depression is a blessing in a disguise. It would be a blessing if each person were stricken depressed for a few days at some time during his early adult life. 
           This darkness would make him more appreciative of light and this silence would teach him the joys of sound. Hell yeah, half of the things, in the story of life, goes unnoticed. 
           Yes, the world of depression is a dark night, unexplored and unilluminated but the unnoticed part is that after this invariably passing time, the sun will shine again bringing more postivities than before, but most importantly of all, hope. Once you taste depression, it makes life easy and fearless. You get to take risk easily, you get to live freely. You don’t wish to snuggle in your comfort zone anymore. You are ready to fly. Freedom is about flying.
         Well let me end the debate saying that depression is an overrated process. It will hurt, let it hurt. It will bleed, let it bleed. It will heal, let it heal. Just give it some time. Because only time can set you free.
– Brijesh Shukla (writings_of_brijesh)

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