I often feel that my life has no meaning,

I am a wandering soul, 

Forever cursed to walk these empty hallways, 

The lights of hope flickering over head, 

Until they take their last breath, 

and wink out until I am nothing,

Nothing but a husk, 





We are often told to reach for the skies, 

But when I look up all I see is darkness,

And it’s monsters,

Threathening to consume me.


Is life a blessing or a curse?

Why do I wake up in the morning? 

What is my purpose?


I am a machine,

forever running the same course.

Are the thoughts in my head even mine?

Or are they the thoughts of society,

Whispering in my ear?


What is my purpose,

When all I am is another white mask,

In the sea of supressed souls.


Life is a journey,

meant to be savored, 

But when I have no meaning, 

Is there even a life to live?


For I am a wandering soul,

Forever cursed to walk the same empty hallways, 

Wearing the same white mask, 

And when my light snuffs out, 

darkness consumes me. 


We take pride in helping those who are in need. Please take into account the below information and share if needed

Suicide Prevention (Click to Expand)

(800) 273-8255 is the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

To learn how you can make a difference in suicide prevention visit https://afsp.org/make-a-difference or https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/how-we-can-all-prevent-suicide/  or https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/suicide-prevention/index.shtml 

You can also learn more about the cause of suicide from the National Alliance on Mental Illness at https://www.nami.org/Get-Involved/What-Can-I-Do .

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