I’m sorry that all that we really ask is to live our lives
And not be harrassed
I’m sorry that you can’t control yourself but maybe for once think of somebody else
To the little girl crying under the covers cuz “men can’t help it” as she’s had to discover
Years later, she works up the courage to reveal her truth, to expose the pig who took her innocent youth
But The world turns sour quickly and is fast to accuse, the little girl much too naive to refuse
They blame her clothes, her looks, or even her actions
“He is a man, he can’t help his attractions”
But what about when she screamed let me go
When she bruised from how he touched her below
They shrug it off, they ignore her pain
Say they care, then quickly forget her name
She gets no justice, her rapist walks free
She still flinches when touched, but that they don’t see
One fateful day she decides she can’t take it anymore
Takes a bottle of pills then falls to the floor
So next time you choose blame and criticize
Think of your mother, your sister, your daughter and empathize

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