I am a 16 year old teenager in India who writes to bring a change in the society. I chose to work with this website because they help me fulfil my goal. My goal is to bring up neglected issues which in our day to day life to the frontline.

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Rishika Garg

Rishika Garg

Hey, I am Rishika Garg instagram- @writtingaddict from. From MP India, currently I am completing my graduation. This lock down is helping me to improve my skills. The reasons I feel I write poetry is because it’s like storing our memory in the form of words because we won’t remember the days, but we do remember the moments and sometimes they are even the answers for my questions. This poetry helps me to know certain things about me and my life.

Lujayna Mussa

Hello, I am Lujayna Mussa. A seventeen year old who lives in Tanzania. I really don’t have much to say about myself but one thing you should know is that I’m a really silent girl who scribbles down her thoughts and feelings onto a tiny locked diary hidden under piles of messy scarves in a locked dark Room then forgets about it…

Khushi Naresh

My name is Khushi Naresh. Just another teenage girl from India who aspires to be a writer someday. I have always wanted to to spread to social awareness through my work and this website is perfect for it as it allows us to be aware about all the problems in the society and most of the writers here are teenagers which is the most beautiful part of it. I also aspire to become a doctor someday because I really love to help people . I love to voice my opinions in the way of a poem or an article. Hope you all will like my work.