Neglected Stories: The World Around Us

The Teenage Chapter- This website strives to outline the neglected stories in the Dallas area and other areas of the world. We hope to shed a light on the fact that there are more problems out there other than the ones that are constantly on the news and provide different perspectives as teenagers. There are an abundance of problems in this world. Our jobs as writers is to tell the stories of those who can’t do it themselves. To talk about the stories no one wants to talk about.

Aspiring Journalists

Calling all aspiring journalists! We encourage young wannabe journalists and artists to come to our site to learn, read and even publish their own articles. Explore this safe site contact us for more help. We want change and we want you to help us! Click here to learn more or continue to see your categories!

Environmental Awareness

There are numerous environmental issues around us that aren’t getting as much attention as they should be getting. It is true that many people have raised much awareness towards the environment, but we as the youth of this world need to spread the word ourselves. After all, this is our home.

Law Enforcement

The Law Enforcement may be a force to be reckoned with, but the system is broken. Everyday, people are wrongfully imprisoned. Everyday, people fight for their lives, so are the police as effective as they claim to be? Go to our Blog Page to find stories on the injustices of our system.

Medical Issues

Did you know that cancer has decreased a total of 20 percent in the last year alone? Maybe, but did you know that the noises that you hear on a daily basis can result in hearing loss? These are the problems that face our world everyday. Click here to learn about things other than the corona virus.

Mental Health

Mental health is a problem all around the world from people ranging 11-70. is  This a safe space where people talk about their challenges in the form of poems and articles. Mental health is a battle meant to be waged between oneself and the subconsious mind. Click here to see  the inner thoughts of students in their quest to find happiness. 


Nutrition is a very important part of our daily rituals. This page is a page where young adolescents share their views on nutrition in the world around us and with themselves. What is nutrition to us? Click here to see young voices on this topic

Social Injustices

“Social justice is a concept of fair and just relations between the individual and society.” Social injustice is something that we are beginning to see more and more frequently around the world, social injustice is at large. We are trying to shed light on situations where social injustice is practiced in the hopes of reversing its effects and eliminating it. Join us.

Social Media

Social media is big in the lives of young children and even adults. But what is it and what effect does it have on our lives. Social media can effect your mental and physical well being and though it may have good qualaties what is the view of young adolescents on this topic. Click here to see.


Sports is an important part of a young childs life. Children pour their hearts and souls into the sport they play and sometimes even go to the big leagues! What are sports and how do they affect our lives? How do the benefit or disadvantage us? Click her to see.

Submissions Help

We recognize that when attracting young journalists, they may not be well versed in writing, drawing and submitting. We want young journalists to come to us to submit any form of expression to talk/express about a problem they feel needs to be adressed as young impressionable parts of society. We have therefore supplied a page titles ‘Submissions Help’ that suggests a reccomended writing/drawing process and how to form a proffesional email. The goal is for young writers to have the resources needed to succeed in their goals. 

Take Action

Take action. We offer a platform for adolecents to talk about a mulitude if problems. These problems need solutions. That is why we have provided a ‘Take Action’ page under the ‘Resources’ tab. We provide sucide and abuse hotlines, as well as petitions to sign and organizations to donate to. Help us out one articles at a time to make the world a better place.

Our Artists and Authors

We have a range of authors from so many different countries. Click here to learn about the aspiring journalists who are helping us change the world one article and drawing at a time. 

Read our Blog!

We have gathered articles from several different aspiring journalists, including ourselves, to address some of the underrated and overlooked problems present in the world around us. We have authors from 4 out of 7 continents and we hope to bring awareness to these topics and unite the community to effectively solve these issues. Help us in our journey to make our worlda better place by taking action or supporting our cause by reading and commenting on our articles! 

*This is a judge-free zone! Nothing that is submitted will be withheld for controversial or upsetting content, nor will any posts be filtered or censored. However we expect some degree of professionalism from writers. We support everyone!

The Reality of a Women’s World

The Reality of a Women’s World

Modern day society is deeply rooted in victim blaming. We have unfortunately created a broken system where women first scrutinized for their clothes and actions before even receiving the help and support they need. This poem describes the sad realty of many sexual assault survivors and serves as a message to society to do better.

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Advocate for Change

Advocate for Change

Change is the law of life. Nothing is perfect and everything needs evolution, improvements, and change either on a smaller level or a bigger level. Each organization, institution, community, and even the smallest unit, citizens, need changes from time to time. As time passes by, everyone’s perspective of understanding the world keeps evolving, and then they see the flaws and need for changes in this world. Most of them ignore it, but those who get concerned about it and wish to implement the changes are called Changemakers, an unbiased community that seeks the betterment of the society going beyond the barriers of caste, race, region, and religion.

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Land of the Beaten and Home of the Self Righteous

Land of the Beaten and Home of the Self Righteous

The generational trauma of my ancestors Still store themselves within my teenage mind. I flinch at sudden movements of a cis white male And begin reciting my eulogy through my head. I did not get the chance to message my mother goodbye.
“Go back to where you came from!” already forgetting That their foundation was built upon the backs of The beated, bruised, and dark skinned.

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The Truth About Foster Care

The Truth About Foster Care

Dallas is an ever growing and bustling city. However the city is still behind on some very important issues. This includes the problem of foster care. Thousands of foster care children are left to fend for themselves in the system because the system lacks the resources and manpower to do something about it. Dallas may be growing and moving forward but the Foster care system is falling behind. The Dallas Morning News claims that according to Judge Janis Graham Jack three children died in the state’s foster care system because of lack of care and neglect.

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I hope you readers might have understood what I’m talking about.Yes! You got it right.I know that this topic is common these days.Now people don’t get shy to talk about this. And I think there is nothing to get shy about.
After saying all this still there is a thorn that always hurts.When we hear the so called superstitions made by don’t know who?Have you ever thought about it?
Firstly,when I had entered this phase I got to know about so many rules which are even worst than my school rules.I heard my mom telling me not to step in the store room and too in the religious places.Why?

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Bride Kidnapping

Bride Kidnapping

This article involves the anecdote of a women explaining the way she has been oppressed. I won’t say more because when you read it you will get your answers. Hi, I’m Rabia! I’m here to tell you about the darkest night of my life. Please read till the last. So, let’s go back to the time when I was fourteen years old. After a hard day of toil at my parents land, I was having a short nap. That’s when a group of twenty year olds abducted me from my home and dragged me into the forest next to my village. Can’t you predict what happened next?

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Every day as youngsters we hear from our peers these clothes make me look so skinny, it’s better if you pose like this it makes you look slim. We say all this as if being a little chubby or fat is bad. Why can’t we normalize being fat? Bullying your friends for being fat doesn’t make you seem popular or cool. And this doesn’t end here; people are bullied for being skinny too. You may have been a victim or a villain. God has made us all with the same blood and flesh after all. Why not appreciate all forms of beauty?

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We MUST Talk

We MUST Talk

I would like to talk about mental health. Nows let’s say that I have a rotten tomato in my hand . Nobody in their right mind would eat it because it would make you sick. But we eat rotten dirty thoughts almost everyday . And you know what happens when we eat these rotten dirty thoughts? We get sick!

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Religious Conflicts

Religious Conflicts

I find it crucial to re address this matter because of how many people are being targeted & harmed just for being part of a different religious group,and the people behind these tragedies seem to be overwhelmed with the suffering of others..Having my work submitted on this site has given me an opportunity and platform to finally speak up and be heard, which is my only goal.

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11 + 5 =

Want us to feature your article?


Please check out our resrources page for writing tips before you submit. (Only contact us if you are of the age 12+)